No final de 2019 uma sementinha caiu no meu quintal: criar uma campanha para divulgar o incrível trabalho do Instituto Terra.
Pra quem chegou de Marte agora, o IT, como carinhosamente chamamos o Instituto Terra, é um projeto de reflorestamento encabeçado por Sebastião Salgado e sua esposa, Lelia Wanick. Queriam uma campanha universal, direta, e que falasse no íntimo de cada um.
Surgiu Refloresta. E brotou imediatamente colada em Gilberto Gil, como aquelas bromélias que crescem agarradas nas árvores. Gil, um dos maiores artistas pops do planeta, já havia gravado Refavela, Refazenda e Realce. Faltava Refloresta! Convidamos ele para criar um hino à recuperação das florestas brasileiras, e que fosse, ao mesmo tempo, uma obra perene, como as florestas devem ser.
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At the end of 2019 a little seed fell in my backyard: to create a campaign to spread the word about the incredible work of the Instituto Terra.
For those who just arrived from Mars, IT, as we affectionately call Instituto Terra, is a reforestation project headed by Sebastião Salgado and his wife, Lelia Wanick. They wanted a universal campaign, direct, and that would speak to the depths of each person.
Refloresta was born. And it immediately sprouted, stuck to Gilberto Gil, like those bromeliads that grow attached to trees. Gil, one of the greatest pop artists on the planet, had already recorded Refavela, Refazenda, and Realce. Refloresta was missing! We invited him to create an anthem for the recovery of Brazilian forests, and at the same time, an everlasting work, as forests should be.
For those who just arrived from Mars, IT, as we affectionately call Instituto Terra, is a reforestation project headed by Sebastião Salgado and his wife, Lelia Wanick. They wanted a universal campaign, direct, and that would speak to the depths of each person.
Refloresta was born. And it immediately sprouted, stuck to Gilberto Gil, like those bromeliads that grow attached to trees. Gil, one of the greatest pop artists on the planet, had already recorded Refavela, Refazenda, and Realce. Refloresta was missing! We invited him to create an anthem for the recovery of Brazilian forests, and at the same time, an everlasting work, as forests should be.
Nos juntamos à equipe da Piloto e da Quiet City, e criamos um clipe com Gil e os Gilsons. Em paralelo, criamos peças gráficas em revistas, relógios de rua e pontos de ônibus. Lançamos também uma campanha no Tiktok, onde cada interação com o clipe valia uma nova árvore plantada no Instituto. Foram mais de 117 milhões de videos criados!!!!!
Refloresta gerou aproximadamente 5.3 milhões de dólares de mídia espontânea e gerou um aumento de 49.900% de doações ao Intituto.
Manter em pé o que resta não basta! Agora é hora de ser Refloresta.
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We joined the team from Piloto and Quiet City, and created a music video with Gil and the Gilsons. In parallel, we created graphic pieces in magazines, street clocks and bus stops. We also launched a campaign at Tiktok, where each interaction with the clip was worth a new tree planted at the Institute. More than 117 million videos were created!!!!! Refloresta generated approximately 5.3 million dollars of spontaneous media and generated a 49,900% increase in donations to the Institute.
Keeping what's left standing is not enough! Now it's time to be Refloresta.
Keeping what's left standing is not enough! Now it's time to be Refloresta.